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I've made producers cry and been compared to a dog – and those are some of the nicer things people have said about working with me... Everyone’s raving about your work & ideas – I admit – you are a genius! Ed Moore Executive Producer of Documentary Programs Detroit Public Television Wow Kristin, You should be proud of what you’ve achieved with one program. Your influence has been responsible for thousands more people hearing these kids. No one really understands how critical your work really is, all based on your persistence and intuitive reactions. Thank you, thank you. Nancy Schiesari, Director, "Tattooed Under Fire" Kristin... I love your spirit and how you think. That is sincere. Mark Ganguzza Sunburst Creative I am delighted that you will be working on appalachia. Your heart and your enthusiasm coupled with your smarts and expertise seem the perfect recipe for a bang-up rollout. We are so happy to have you on our team! Jamie S. Ross, Writer & Producer Appalachia: a four part series for PBS Thank you for the wonderful work and energy you bring to this project... Karen G. Read National TV Marketing | Oregon Public Broadcasting "Appalachia" If you had not brought this series to my attention I am not sure we would have made airing it a priority. Keep up the good work. Hildy Ko KCTS 9 Seattle ...We’re all thrilled to be working with you and seeing your impressive analysis and ideas put into action. Pamela Tom, KCET Project Producer, "Wired Science" Bill Baker called me today about his upcoming project, “Picturing Mary.” He wants you on it, says you’re the best, and I agree. Robin Rodriguez, Director, Program Administration, Thirteen/WNET I think the series will be very, very successful. And with you behind it, well…!!! Steven Segaller, Director of News & Public Affairs Programming, Thirteen/WNET Writing? Research? PR? We know you can do it all. Stella Giammasi, (former) VP & Director, Communications & Brand Management, Thirteen/WNET …Kristin really does have an amazing track record… Steven C Budlong, Director, Citigroup Corporate Media Solutions, New York … a bright visage in the public TV family. Karen Copper, Milwaukee PBS Kristin, (this is) the most original program pitch I’ve ever seen! And either it took lots and lots of time to create or you’re extraordinarily talented, should quite your day job, and start writing! Bob Olive, Director of Georgia Public Television Broadcast Services It does my heart good to know that you are the person working on this. Lesley Norman, Executive in Charge, NOW on PBS We really enjoy working with you and appreciate your frequent and full communications with us. Al Perlmutter, Filmmaker & Exec Director, Independent Production Fund Kristin, I just want to say how deeply impressed I was by your update and the breadth and scope of work that it reflected. We’re very lucky to have such a talented and experienced professional working with us. Brava and chapeau! Michael Fried, Producer, Director, Writer & Arts Educator Good Job Kristin!!! The report is fantastic. You’re at the core of a huge part of the movement -- it really wouldn’t be here without you. We really can’t express enough how important you are to this effort -- and plus, it’s fun to work with you : ) You’re the best. Mike Marriner, Founder, “Roadtrip Nation” Kristin, “Foreign Exchange” team loves your report -- great work. I loved it -- the whole comprehensive vision of the year. Terrific stuff. You rock! Selena Lauterer (former) Director of National Promotions, Oregon PBS Thanks Kristin! Fascinating information… well done! Lots of exclamation marks from me!!! Robert Sproul-Crain, Tartan TV, UK Kristin, this is truly fantastic work. We’re pouring over (your reports.) Lesley Norman, Executive in Charge, NOW on PBS Kristin, you are fabulous! Have I ever told you that before? Barbara Margolis, Executive Director, Fred Friendly Seminars “Kristin, can I just say what an amazing job you are doing with all the film festivals…” Rosemary Plum, Producer & Director, Edge Productions, UK I am sitting here with tears running down my face. It means the world that this is happening, Kristin. Thank you for all your help. I was the one who took this risk. I have had a knot of anxiety that unwinds more and more with every email like this we get (from you.) Thank you just doesn’t say strongly enough what I feel. Renee Bishop, Executive Producer, “Farmers Almanac TV” Kristin, thank you again for pulling together the marvelous event with (dame) cicely berry… the film (and cicely) is fascinating – and the event was lovely. Allison Fox, Director of Development, Thirteen/WNET Your hard work for several years, and your relationships have helped us beyond expectation. (The) event was tremendous. Salvatore Rasa, Co-Producer, “Where Words Prevail” Thanks again for your help and your powers of persuasion. You’re better than a sheep dog in new zealand rounding up this flock (of PBS Station Programmers.) Joan Konner Dean, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism & Executive Producer, “Mystery of Love” …I am extremely happy, which is unusual as I frequently find that people walk away from most projects grumbling and ruminating about missed opportunities and laying blame all over the place. Nina Gilden Seavey, Director, The Documentary Center George Washington University …the best… Kristin the diplomat. Barbara Margolis, Executive Director, Fred Friendly Seminars, Columbia University Kristin, we very much want to have you back on our team for season two. Please let us know if you are available… We miss you and want you back is all. Renee Bishop, Executive Producer, “Farmers Almanac TV” On a personal note, I just want to say that I think you have done a truly fantastic job for Tartan TV. Your lovely warm, easy going style clearly is a tremendous asset, but you also back it up with all the necessary know how and detail that is involved in clinching those deals with the stations… I do hope that we actually get to meet sometime and have a glass of something expensive! Fiona Kennedy, Scottish Singer & Actress Kristin-thank you so much for getting all this moving so well. You’ve made our clients very happy and made us look great. And it's all in a good cause too. Thanks!!! Richard Kilberg, President Fred Friendly Seminars, Inc. I’ve met some incredible people during my journey with this film and you are one of them… You are one of the coolest ladies I’ve met in a long time. Susan Smiley, Director, “Out of the Shadow” |